14 febbraio 2012

Stage o progetti di ricerca in Danimarca presso Bestseller

Bestseller è un'azienda che si occupa di abbigliamento ed accessori e che possiede i marchi Only, Name it, Pieces, Vero Moda, Mamalicious e Object. Ecco alcune opportunità interessanti se volete fare uno Stage presso Bestseller oppure proporre un progetto di ricerca.


As an intern in Bestseller, you participate in the work in the department at the same level as the rest of the team. Therefore, we are also able to consider you a future colleague.

When we evaluate an application for an Internship, we focus on personal qualifications such as commitment, openness and good cooperation skills. Of course, we also evaluate the applicant’s professional qualifications in relation to the relevant field of work.

All interns are evaluated individually, and the number and duration of internships vary according to the needs and future projects of the specific department.

If you wish to apply for an Internship in one of our stores, you can send your application online using this form (English).

Case Study

If you wish to cooperate with Bestseller concerning a case study, you must send a case description by following the link below. In order for us to evaluate the chances of cooperation, it is important that you are as specific as possible about the subject of the case and your expectations.

If you wish to submit a Case Study proposal, you can send your application online using this form (English)

Application form.

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